(Pink Salmon – Latin: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)
Just like our traditionally packed wild Pacific pink salmon, but without salt. Perfect for low sodium diets.
(Pink Salmon – Latin: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)
Just like our traditionally packed wild Pacific pink salmon, but without salt. Perfect for low sodium diets.
Suite 100 - 3600 Lysander Lane
Richmond, BC, Canada V7B 1C3
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Suite 100 – 3600 Lysander Lane
Richmond, BC, Canada V7B 1C3
Pink salmon are found throughout the coastal cold waters of the North Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean and nearby seas.
Pink salmon are the most numerous and the smallest of the Pacific salmon weighing on average between 3.5 and 5 pounds, with an average length of 20-25 inches.
Pink salmon also have the shortest lifespan completing their entire life cycle in two years.
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