Dining at restaurants is often an enjoyable, though expensive experience. In fact, dining out can cost you three times as much as eating at home, or more! Not only that, but eating home cooked meals is almost always healthier and more personally satisfying. That said, accomplishing the task of consistently eating at home can seem like so…much…work. The time and energy involved definitely make it a taxing gambit. However, with the right recipes you can enjoy delicious, easy and nutritious meals at any time of the day. Let’s jump into some easy salmon recipes to get you eating affordably and healthy!
Titillate Those Tasty Taters
Not enough good things can be said about potatoes. They have a relatively low glycemic index when served with the skin on and they are as diverse an ingredient as there is. They can be served umpteen different ways and in so many different dishes. No wonder why so many cultures have embraced them! This Salmon Potato Salad recipe is simple and hits the spot. Exactly what the doctor ordered! Boil up some potatoes and eggs – in separate pots, let’s not get too crazy – and then combine the dressing ingredients in one bowl and the rest of the ingredients in another bowl. To really make this dish in a jiffy, boil the potatoes and eggs in advance then keep them in the fridge right for when you are ready. This dish can easily take on most any substitution you could think of. For example, consider adding chopped bacon. You know you wanna!
The Rice Bowl That Rivals Any Restaurant
Few Asian dishes can touch the satisfaction of the venerable rice bowl. It’s No wonder. You get a perfectly balanced meal that is easy to consume all one dish! But why spend twenty dollars or more when you can make a great version at home? It can still be convenient and you can customize to your heart’s delight! Such is the case with this Salmon Rice Bowl! Cook rice – getting a dedicated rice cooker is a game changer, by the way – then add Gold Seal Wild Sockeye Salmon and the remaining ingredients. It’s just combine and then eat, that’s it! Possible additions are carrots, bok choy, and broccoli. Just remember not to skimp on the soy, umami is the key to this one!
Hearty and Healthy Heroics
Featuring an eclectic ingredients list, this Salmon Pasta with Prosciutto, Asparagus, and Peas dish is delectable to the max. Even better, is it’s ready in less than 30 minutes! That is less time than it takes to have a pizza delivered! Simply cook the prosciutto and mushrooms in a pan. Add the peas and cream then serve alongside Gold Seal Wild Sockeye Salmon and any pasta of your choice! The cream provides a richness that contrasts with the delicious saltiness of the salmon and prosciutto. The flavours in this dish will only improve with some fridge time. So, it’s better when you have leftovers the next day. Amazing!
Breaking the Beef Burger Habit
We all love a good burger. But have you ever tried a real salmon burger? This Salmon Burger with Roasted Garlic Pineapple Aioli is your gateway! Featuring Gold Seal Wild Sockeye Salmon, this burger has great crunch provided by the panko breading. The heartiness of the burger is complemented by pineapple aioli and a sourdough bun. You technically could substitute the sourdough, but why would you want to? Sourdough is sublime. The roasted garlic adds to the symphony of flavours with a touch of sweetness. We dare you to find someone who can pass up this burger!
Talking Tasty Tacos
What separates Mexican cuisine from most other food is that the food and the ‘dish’ are one and the same. It is the perfect food delivery system! We love tacos and we know you do, too. With these fish tacos, any and every day can be taco Tuesday! These no-cooking-required superbites leverage Gold Seal Wild Pink Salmon, avocado, and cilantro for a snack so good it will feel like you are eating at a street cart in Tijuana. You can go with corn or flour tortillas. Jalapenos and hot sauce are certainly optional. The recipe calls for white onion, but we recommend red onion and some pickled vegetables for added flavour and authenticity!
So, next time you find yourself at the grocery store, make sure you stock up on Gold Seal salmon. Keeping that in the pantry along with your other staples will ensure you ALWAYS have convenient options for staying in! Save your money and eat healthy while sacrificing no time at all. Thanks to Gold Seal!